Thursday 1 March 2012

Joustin Beaver vs Justin Bieber (my money's on the beaver)

I'm backing Beaves.

The makers of Joustin Beaver (a character from an app for Android mobile phones) are sueing Justin Bieber as he has attempted to prevent them releasing the game which he sees as a parody of his life. Which means he wants more money and you give him back his story so he can exploit his millions of misled fans or you release the game then give him the money. Joustin Beaver is a buck tooth beaver with a Justin Bieber hairstyle (which for the record he has no legal claim to so his team need to find a better excuse) who floats down a river on a log whilst people ask for 'otter-graphs' and take 'phot-hogs' (don't worry I don't get it either).