Saturday, 17 December 2011

Third Time Lucky? For Now.

The Queen of Trailer Trash

Yes its true the US version of Kerry Katona has announced that she is walking down the aisle agin for the third time and as ever the epitomey of class, Britney announced her news via Twitter. The next guy is Jason Trawick who's her former agent so at least this fucking loser won't want half her money when they divorce because he's already being paid by her. So this fool Jason proposed to Britney in of all places Las Vegas where she very famously married her first husband Jason Alexander who must have been a shit fuck as she had the marriage annulled after 55 hours. Then six months later this silly bitch married an even silly twat of man Kevin Federline, her backup dancer. The two had two children together and divorced in 2008 making Federline a very rich silly twat.

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