Saturday, 7 January 2012

King Kanye has issues.

He should be put against a wall and shot.

Yet AGAIN Kanye West is pissing people off and generally just being an arrogant cunt! His latest little outburst was over Twitter revealing the details of his new design company Donda, named after his late mother. His two hour Twitter rant started at 5:00 am and explained his basically ridiculous business plan for world domination and just really makes him look like a silly twat because he has no idea what the fuck he's doing, just the fact that its going to be the best company in the world. He even has the cheek to ask celebrities and wealthy people to get involved, as he has no fucking clue what he's doing and just wants to be a fucking legend. The difference between Steve Jobs and Kanye West is that Steve was an actual legend and actually knew what he was doing and this fuckup just wants an ego bust!

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